Friday, August 12, 2011

half a year gone... now to recap. Cuz you know... I'm way too lazy.

Written on February 13th in my Journal.

We're back in Kaohsiung, and Nicholas is on my computer trying to Ctrl + C everything because my keyboard is a little messed up... You can't type with T, H, Y, Left Shift, underscore, and G. I'm surprised I still have A an E. This morning, I woke up @ 6:50 expecting at least a couple people to wake up, but no one was. I ended up going to breakfast myself. I ate toast with peanut butter and yellow butter, and 2 types of tofu. Afterwords, I headed back up to my hostel room. 720! I went back to sleep for 20 minutes and woke Chiang up. WAKE UP!!! IT'S 8! WAKE UP!!! I then packed and headed to the Lobby. The first place we went to was a memorial for the first Prime Minister of Taiwan. We took pictures and these Korean TV people came up and interviewed Kobe and Joyce on Taiwanese food for the 100th Anniversary of Taiwan. We then headed up a whole bunch of stairs to watch a shift change. The soldiers? cops? Guards (whatever they were called) did a bunch of funky moves with there guns and finally changed spots. We then ran with our luggage to the National Palace Museum. We had 45 minutes to Run through the whole thing. Only James, Tanya, Sylvia, Peter and I went in. Sly, Peter and I managed to go to every exhibit. We then left for the HSR (High Speed Rail). Jerry and I tap tapped to Sexy Back. Jerry got 768,000 and I got 1,410,000. I took a 45 minute power nap on the train with my bandanna and sunglasses on to prevent any embarrassing pictures.

Nicholas, Chiang, and I went to McDonalds for Dinner, Nick got a grilled chicken burger and an ice tea while I got a TRIPLE cheese burger ( which I did not know existed)with coke and fries. We then got a cab and returned home. We got Nicholas all set up in the living room, and I got my computer running until my floor mate came home... I am starting to think that our energy sources are linked. I need to wake up by 5:40AM! its 12:30 already... oh no. ..

Written Tuesday February 15th.

I am currently sitting in front of Yvonne and Joyce`s class dance rehearsal. Their leader is very strict because they have 2 days to get everything down. Joyce`s popping is very interesting to watch. The popping of the Chest is the hardest for her and at least a couple other people. I like Chocolate milk.

Today is Friday August 12th.

I am currently sitting in front of this computer wondering how this trip has passed so quickly. On January 18th 2011, We received our Journals. I was very excited for this trip. I was not yet sure if we were sleeping in tents or cabins at camp but thought either would be fun. This was 16 days prior. On February 2nd, I was so stoked for this trip that I was writing in my journal during class ( I know, not the best move to get good marks) I literally wrote busy on the page 26 times. On February 4th We were sitting in YVR waiting for our flight and we ended up talking to our friends who were currently in class, but the teacher allowed it so don`t be too alarmed. On February 6th in Taiwan, I have come home from the airport and have made the connection that my home stay is amazing. at 7:16 the next morning I decide that waking up 3 hours early would be the best decision after 15 hours in the air. On Monday February 7th I decide that writing while on a bumpy road would be the best time to remember.

Every single person I`ve met over there has a very special place in my heart. Even last summer I wouldn`t have ever thought that in February 2011, I would be in Taiwan meeting new people and seeing things I have never seen before. I had to submerge myself into the culture before I could even possibly soak anything in. I am very grateful for my life in Vancouver, though much more expensive than Taiwan, minimum wage is also 5 dollars more. The gratitude people have shown throughout our 2 week trip was much more than I expected from anyone. When money was tight and banks were closed people helped me out. When I needed translating and bargaining help I could always count on these people. These people opened their houses and school to us. They treated us with the greatest hospitality and I could only wish I was able to do the same. I am very relieved to know that I will not have to attend school from 7:30 to 5 anymore, but I would still like to adopt their system of nap time. I have learned that becoming friends with these people halfway around the world has probably changed me a lot.

Thank you Very much Taiwan for opening your arms to us Canadians!


PS. Sudden Realizations
Written on February 26th.

-Hotness-Taiwan Sun is MUCH stronger than the sun we have over here (or at least it affects me differently). The Taiwanese sun seems to burn me in a quarter of the time it would take me in Vancouver (and I'm peeling)
-Food- though very similar in my household and in Taiwan, it is definitely cheaper to eat at the night market at 15 NWT ($0.50CAD) a stick of fish balls while in Vancouver it would be 50NWT($1.65 CAD).
-Toilets- Whenever I head into a public washroom in Vancouver I still wonder if it is a squat or a sit, or even being scared that there will be no toilet paper it there.
-Beds- People in Taiwan seem to sleep on much harder beds which are apparently better for you weren't what I would be desiring to sleep on. Now that I am back in Vancouver, I am thankful for the 2 weeks of back straightening having slept on moderately soft beds ALL my life.
-7/11 - You know how people in New York say "there is a starbucks on every street" well in Taiwan, there may
even be 2 or 3 per street. 7/11 prices there are ridiculously cheap. A hot dog will cost about $1.00 CAD
-Buses and MRT- THe Kaohsiung system is much more cleaner considering that they have fines for eating and drinking on the platform and in the cars. They use vigilantes to catch people breaking these laws by using their cellphones and other cameras.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


hhaha... Hellloo!!

Well since nothing has been posted here in a while and I feel like I'm still in Taiwan, I would like to link everyone the videos that I have made concerning Taiwan and all its glory.

Here are some links to my videos on Youtube - Bike Trip with Raise your glass - my almost ten minute video of goodbyes


Monday, February 21, 2011

Diagnosed Taiwa-betes

We're finally back in Canada.
I'm physically in Canada but my minds in Taiwan. I've adjusted to their school time it's pretty insane. Just today I passed out at 7pm which is about nap time there. Being back home definitely feels good, but coming from a 25 degree country, IT IS SO COLD HERE.

Taiwa-betes - a disease in which an individual has not had the required levels of Taiwanese students in our midst.

Looking back at all the places we've been, I can say I learned quite a lot about the Taiwanese lifestyle. I really won't look at a bubble tea the same way anymore and I'm probably going to not eat anything fried for the next while. I WILL miss the squid though, I wish I bought more of everything really. I also want to send things back for them!!

I found that after going to school with them there was a sense of appreciation for our own education system, but at the same time I could see the benefits of theirs. I found that in high school they have to work a lot harder than we do to get into university, then it's smooth sailing for them. We on the other hand have to work harder in university as compared to high school. Something interesting they had in their curriculum was " National Defense" which taught them about the use of an assortment of military type equipment and what do to in scenarios that invaded their national security.

At school, I learned how to do geometric patterns/ sequences from class 104's math teacher in MANDARIN, I felt quite accomplished that day.

Camp was something else. I would have never guessed to get a tan in winter. The heat there was irritating at times, did not make for a happy Kirstie ,as you all probably saw in one way or another. BUT I can say that Taiwanese students' music taste is pretty up to date. During midnight snack, we started singing songs from Maroon 5, Simple Plan, Green day, and of course JUSTIN BIEBER.. It was a load of laughs seeing how much they liked Highschool musical and explaining to them how 10 year olds were the target audience in Canada.

The plane ride was not as horrible as expected, however it was horribly unproductive. Instead of reading my biology I was caught in their entertainment library's claws, AKA the movies : TARZAN, RED, MR AND MS SMITH and Charlie St. Cloud. Seeing my own sister being incoherent was hysterical... that is all I'll say about that..

After getting back to school, the jet lag kicked in full force. Everyone was like zombies roaming in the halls with ghastly dark eye circles. Not to mention sad faces from our Taiwa-betes, too bad the medication's half way across the world. Going to Taiwan was probably the BEST trip overseas that I've been on. There were loads of happy times and just down right hilarious moments that keep me up at night. Just counting down the days until they come here in July.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Back in Town

Woohoo...made it back home in one piece. I've unpacked and done two loads of laundry...time to start the homework. I've planned out what I need to complete for the next couple days so as long as I don't procrastinate...coughcough...I should be okay.

I've learned a lot from this trip. I've learned about Taiwanese culture and society norms and how small and insignificant I am in this big world. I've learned about myself and where my limits stand, and how vulnerable I am when I creep out of my comfort zone. I've met new friends and learned things about old friends. Despite the fact that there wasn't much "studying" on this trip, I would say I've learned a lot. I've come to appreciate Vancouver and all the things I take for granted such as plumbing and instant access to hot water. (There's more...but it's 1 in the morning and I'm too tired to think :( )

Things I will miss though, are the convenience of a 7-11 or food stall, the wifi that is everywhere, the low cost of everything, the food, and the nightmarkets. I've grown to love the exciting nightlife and I miss it a lot. But one thing I won't miss are the dangerous roads...

I will definitely one day go back to Taiwan; it was the most fun I have ever had travelling. I've been to a lot of relaxing vacationing places and I prefer the fast-paced and ever-moving cities because I feel you get to explore more, do more, and experience more. However, there is no place like home - Vancouver.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

I miss the sound that the MRT makes when the train arrives,
I miss how I could go outside without a coat on.
I miss falling asleep to Taylor Swift with 蘇欣雅
I miss waking up early in the morning and coming back late at night.
I miss paying without thinking a second thought about cents or tax.
I miss waking up in the morning not knowing what day it was.

Taiwan, you have touched my heart.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Shower Caps & School

Steph and I got "shower cap" souvenirs from the famous hot springs in Yangmingsham National Park. Got a little nauseous on the way up the mountain. I think we got some strange looks when we got back to the hotel room in Taipei.

Ms.Yeh put our BASE leaders to work by letting them distribute schedule assignments for the new class session. Students in Taiwan wear school uniforms, boys wear blue while girls wear red. I think they got a kick out of us trying our best to communicate with them. English classes were a highlight for me. It gave us a chance to discuss cultural differences in school and how other countries celebrate Valentine's Day. I will never forget a girl named Crystal in Eric's class...she kept saying "excuse me" because she wanted to practice speaking English with me.

: (

Time to go home!!

I am currently packing...I don't think I will have enough room to fit that blasted sleeping bag in so I may need to have it as a carry on. Grrrr...

Bawling fest tomorrow :( It's going to be so sad leaving everyone.

I hear fireworks outside and it sounds like gun shots. I am slightly scared.

It's currently 10 and I haven't showered yet..Looks like I'll be up until 12 tonight. Or later. I hope not though because I want to sleep well...but even if I don't I think I'll be okay since the plane ride is probably going to be all sleep..or so I hope. I didn't sleep well on the bus today.

Camping was was a lot more fun since a certain anxiety was lifted off my shoulders. I was scared that I would have a crummy time and just be a killjoy but now I'm afraid everyone thinks I'm a pansy now...bleh.

I NEED TO START PACKING. I will post pictures later!
I'm already starting to miss everyone :(