Monday, February 21, 2011

Diagnosed Taiwa-betes

We're finally back in Canada.
I'm physically in Canada but my minds in Taiwan. I've adjusted to their school time it's pretty insane. Just today I passed out at 7pm which is about nap time there. Being back home definitely feels good, but coming from a 25 degree country, IT IS SO COLD HERE.

Taiwa-betes - a disease in which an individual has not had the required levels of Taiwanese students in our midst.

Looking back at all the places we've been, I can say I learned quite a lot about the Taiwanese lifestyle. I really won't look at a bubble tea the same way anymore and I'm probably going to not eat anything fried for the next while. I WILL miss the squid though, I wish I bought more of everything really. I also want to send things back for them!!

I found that after going to school with them there was a sense of appreciation for our own education system, but at the same time I could see the benefits of theirs. I found that in high school they have to work a lot harder than we do to get into university, then it's smooth sailing for them. We on the other hand have to work harder in university as compared to high school. Something interesting they had in their curriculum was " National Defense" which taught them about the use of an assortment of military type equipment and what do to in scenarios that invaded their national security.

At school, I learned how to do geometric patterns/ sequences from class 104's math teacher in MANDARIN, I felt quite accomplished that day.

Camp was something else. I would have never guessed to get a tan in winter. The heat there was irritating at times, did not make for a happy Kirstie ,as you all probably saw in one way or another. BUT I can say that Taiwanese students' music taste is pretty up to date. During midnight snack, we started singing songs from Maroon 5, Simple Plan, Green day, and of course JUSTIN BIEBER.. It was a load of laughs seeing how much they liked Highschool musical and explaining to them how 10 year olds were the target audience in Canada.

The plane ride was not as horrible as expected, however it was horribly unproductive. Instead of reading my biology I was caught in their entertainment library's claws, AKA the movies : TARZAN, RED, MR AND MS SMITH and Charlie St. Cloud. Seeing my own sister being incoherent was hysterical... that is all I'll say about that..

After getting back to school, the jet lag kicked in full force. Everyone was like zombies roaming in the halls with ghastly dark eye circles. Not to mention sad faces from our Taiwa-betes, too bad the medication's half way across the world. Going to Taiwan was probably the BEST trip overseas that I've been on. There were loads of happy times and just down right hilarious moments that keep me up at night. Just counting down the days until they come here in July.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Back in Town

Woohoo...made it back home in one piece. I've unpacked and done two loads of laundry...time to start the homework. I've planned out what I need to complete for the next couple days so as long as I don't procrastinate...coughcough...I should be okay.

I've learned a lot from this trip. I've learned about Taiwanese culture and society norms and how small and insignificant I am in this big world. I've learned about myself and where my limits stand, and how vulnerable I am when I creep out of my comfort zone. I've met new friends and learned things about old friends. Despite the fact that there wasn't much "studying" on this trip, I would say I've learned a lot. I've come to appreciate Vancouver and all the things I take for granted such as plumbing and instant access to hot water. (There's more...but it's 1 in the morning and I'm too tired to think :( )

Things I will miss though, are the convenience of a 7-11 or food stall, the wifi that is everywhere, the low cost of everything, the food, and the nightmarkets. I've grown to love the exciting nightlife and I miss it a lot. But one thing I won't miss are the dangerous roads...

I will definitely one day go back to Taiwan; it was the most fun I have ever had travelling. I've been to a lot of relaxing vacationing places and I prefer the fast-paced and ever-moving cities because I feel you get to explore more, do more, and experience more. However, there is no place like home - Vancouver.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

I miss the sound that the MRT makes when the train arrives,
I miss how I could go outside without a coat on.
I miss falling asleep to Taylor Swift with 蘇欣雅
I miss waking up early in the morning and coming back late at night.
I miss paying without thinking a second thought about cents or tax.
I miss waking up in the morning not knowing what day it was.

Taiwan, you have touched my heart.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Shower Caps & School

Steph and I got "shower cap" souvenirs from the famous hot springs in Yangmingsham National Park. Got a little nauseous on the way up the mountain. I think we got some strange looks when we got back to the hotel room in Taipei.

Ms.Yeh put our BASE leaders to work by letting them distribute schedule assignments for the new class session. Students in Taiwan wear school uniforms, boys wear blue while girls wear red. I think they got a kick out of us trying our best to communicate with them. English classes were a highlight for me. It gave us a chance to discuss cultural differences in school and how other countries celebrate Valentine's Day. I will never forget a girl named Crystal in Eric's class...she kept saying "excuse me" because she wanted to practice speaking English with me.

: (

Time to go home!!

I am currently packing...I don't think I will have enough room to fit that blasted sleeping bag in so I may need to have it as a carry on. Grrrr...

Bawling fest tomorrow :( It's going to be so sad leaving everyone.

I hear fireworks outside and it sounds like gun shots. I am slightly scared.

It's currently 10 and I haven't showered yet..Looks like I'll be up until 12 tonight. Or later. I hope not though because I want to sleep well...but even if I don't I think I'll be okay since the plane ride is probably going to be all sleep..or so I hope. I didn't sleep well on the bus today.

Camping was was a lot more fun since a certain anxiety was lifted off my shoulders. I was scared that I would have a crummy time and just be a killjoy but now I'm afraid everyone thinks I'm a pansy now...bleh.

I NEED TO START PACKING. I will post pictures later!
I'm already starting to miss everyone :(

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tsengwen Youth Activity Center

Ni Hao! For our last three days in Taiwan...we are camping in the Tsengewen Reservoir. Before we came on this adventure I was prepared to sleep in a tent but ended up in 4star hotel room! I'm not complaining the teachers know how to camp in style better yet comfort! It's amazing to see an education system that has such long hours for teachers and students, give them an opportunity to connect in a fun experiential learning environment. I'm following their motto "sleep, eat, bike, monitor, eat, sleep". I did a little rock climbing today with Emily's class and laughed at James yesterday after he pulled a muscle during paint ball. His strategy to roll a large steel garbage can on the ground and continuously shoot his gun's paint balls into Nick's neck seemed to pay off. He ended his mission successfully with an orange flag in his hand! As for Nick he had the bitter taste of paint near his mouth.

This place resembles an outdoor education centre in Canada with several high and low ropes elements. Part of me feels like I'm having flashbacks of previous work experience in Jordan, Ontario lol! School spirit and dance are strongly encouraged. The twins were hilarious during the afternoon dance battle. BASE has officially entered the dance competition that will take place tonight. Several classes from Kaohsiung High School have been practicing for weeks. Our youth have been joining in non-stop and learning new moves and Mandarin.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Hot Pot

After a long day of school yesterday (7:30-5pm)...Sylvia and I came home to a traditional Chinese/Taiwanese winter meal called "hotpot". The weather has cooled down since we have arrived and has dropped from 28 to 16 degrees. So I feel like its Vancouver weather minus all the rain.

I have tried hotpot once with a friend (thanks Mo) at a restaurant but having it home cooked by Echo made it taste so much better. Everytime I went into this large bowl I ended up finding more delicious vegetables at the bottom! The corn on the cob was a sweet touch with a variety of mushrooms, seafood, and tofu. I will have to get her secret sa cha sauce before I leave. This side sauce gives the meat and seafood added flavour with a combination of ginger, garlic, green onion. It would make an ideal marinate for cooking chicken or beef on the BBQ. As a side appie...I tried gwa bao (version of a Taiwanese burger) for the first time. The hint of a sweet peanut sauce with braised pork stood out for me...may be a notch higher than a typical western roast beef sandwich. All this typing of food is making me hungry. I wonder what the camping food will be like for the next 3 days? Are you free Echo? I think I 'm going to miss your home cooking.

I'm not good at thinking of titles


Or so it felt. I woke up late today...I woke up at 7:10 and somehow made it to school on time. I spent most of my day watching and participating in the dances for camp and it was fun, until I fell asleep AFTER nap time and I had trouble waking myself up after that.

Today, a random student said hi to me and started conversing with me. After a couple minutes I said something in Mandarin and he didn't notice until I said another phrase. He looked up incredulously at me and said, "YOU CAN SPEAK CHINESE? OH MY GAWD" and then started speaking rapid Mandarin with his classmates about how I could speak Mandarin. I find it amusing, actually. Because I can't speak very well and they seem to think it's good. During naptime, I learned how to write a few words in well as disrupt a few students from their nap.

I have a picture of poop on my camera. How...can someone possibly miss the toilet? Gross.


Sorry movie theatre...for stealing a pair of your 3d glasses...I didn't realize we had to return them.


Sadly for the entire trip, my internet access was almost non existant.

Moving on, TAIWAN is so awesome.

Although their men seem to have problems with their control with their eyes. Of course I am referring to the many incedents that have happened to me on our many night market adventures. I guess in a way it is how Canada is so different from Taiwan, especially when it comes to what is considered normal temperature wise. At 25 degrees, in Taiwan we see fur jackets and people shivering, whereas I was sweating and wearing light clothing.

Culurally speaking, their customs here are quite similar to the Chinese way of life, that I live. The one thing that I didn't like or nessicarily understand was the abundance of deep fried foods here. For example, at McDonalds their Apple Pie is DEEP FRIED. I can see that deep frying is a quick and easy way to prepare food, but health wise, we can see the downsides. Living in Taiwan for a week has caused me to break out due to the sudden rush of fatty foods. It's a shame because their fruit is excellent and I only ever see it in bubble tea.

A downside to being in Taiwan is that physically, I am not suited to live here; my body temp is constiantly higher than that of anyone in any country. I can say that I'm unfortunately a furnace that never shuts off. As well, not being built like a average Asian makes life horribly difficult when it comes to shopping anywhere in this country. I am sad to say that our small/ medium in Canada is Taiwans Large/ Extra Large. It takes a tole of one's spirit when one sees clothes one believes would fit a child, made for fully grown adults.

I have grown to embrace their school life. two words : NAP TIME. Today was my first time experiencing such glory. In Canada, the class after lunch is filled with students nodding off or simply skipping to rest. Nap time is the smartest idea I have ever seen in my life. As well, the camping aspect of their school lives is much more inclusive as compared to our schools due to the fact that only special programs get to participate in such activities. Witnessing every class working hard to make up and teach dances to their peers was inspiring. I'm sure anyone could have seen the energy that was excreeted from our bodies when we joined in.

All in all, I'm just extremely grateful for this oppertunity to be given to us and that through meeting so many individuals in Taiwan, it has opened my eyes to the amount possibilities there are. Just from seeing students' english ability grow in such a short period of time from talking to us gives a sense of accomplishment and just glee for me.

Campings tomorrow. I can't wait! Eventhough I heard we wil be crawling in holes .......

Monday, February 14, 2011

You know you are in Taiwan when you make little kids want to run away and cry.

I do not know whether to laugh or take in personally that I made a little girl cover her eyes and try and get away from me today. For a second I thought she was going to cry and I am sure she would have if her mother wasn't there to "protect" her. White people are pretty common here, or common enough not to elicit too much attention for the most part, but we are definitely still an oddity for some...especially for young kids. I have gotten used to eliciting attention from curious teens as I walk down the hall and lots of random kids saying hi and starting random conversations...actually this last part has become one of the endearing things about Taiwan-the kids are friendly and genuinely interested in talking to you. These moments also give me a chance to try out some of my Mandarin..mostly for comedic effect rather than actual communication...sometimes I feel like its more of a comic routine than anything else. For example: Wo bu shi meiguoren...wo shi Jangaren (forgive my bad pinyin). This translates into I am not American. I am Canadian. Another one is Wo jiao James..My name is James. But by far the most important phrase I have leaned by far has to be: Keyi ni gaye wo kafe ma?...Can you give me a coffee?

There is one other curious thing about being a cultural minority: the white guy/girl nod.(Actually the existence of the white girl nod is more of a theory as I have never actually witnessed it. So far the phenomena seems to be limited to the male sex.) I am slightly perplexed why other white people who I do not know and may not even speak the same language as feel the need to give me the nod on the street based solely on the fact that we share the same color skin. Yes, honestly, I do look when there is another white person but I do not feel this is grounds for some kind of relationship or bond.

Though I have already said it once, I will say it again, the people in Taiwan have been nothing but friendly and enjoyable to be around. Now that we are coming to the end of the trip I realize it will be the relationships I have formed here and not any of the tourist destinations that will stand out in my mind and as well as the test of time.

First day of school

I feel like a gr 8 all over again, writing "first day of school" as the title.

School was extremely interesting... It's really strange how the teachers move around, rather the students. Class sizes are bigger, there's a sink outside the classroom, students have NAP TIME, they have 8 classes a day and lunch is served to their classroom in buffet dishes and they have to bring their own bowls. It's all very new to me and it's an interesting perspective. It makes sense in a way...It's environmentally friendly and it saves money. Maybe our school should learn to do something like that, seeing as the cafeteria is losing lots of money (haha).

Mandarin class is boring...just like at Tech. But Andy and his friend "Tongue" made it very entertaining! Tongue introduced me to the highlighter crayon, which I bought 3 of at 9x9 today. SO COOL! He was amused at me being amused at his crayon. Their English book reminds me of our French workbooks. I was flipping through Andy's English book and I found something funny.

First, the example said
Animal: Shark
Problem: Sharks are being killed unnecessarily
Action to take: I will stop drinking shark fin soup

This is what he filled in for his:
I laughed REALLY hard on the inside because I didn't want to disrupt the class. Apparently if I do I will 死 (die) because the teacher doesn't allow eating or playing with an electronic device or anything out the ordinary...of which my buddy was doing the first two.

9x9 was AMAZING. $8NT pens and home those would cost $120NT. I did some school supplies shopping and now I am good to start school again : )

It's about 10PM right now, I should finish my Grad Transition assignments. See ya'll tomorrow! : )

Pretty interesting day


After our journey back from Taipei, I had "Mango" on the brain. It was a mango kind of day Lol. I enjoyed a mango yogurt smoothie, dried mangoes, and tried mango cashews for the 1st time, followed by some department store shopping at Dream Mall. It is the largest mall in stop shopping for every consumer. I ended my evening with some well deserved shopping at a store called "Mango". A new store to me since we don't have one in Vancouver. It is a Penelope Cruz and sister clothing line. What a way to wrap up a long day of travel with some second wind at the mall. Definite soft spot :)


Sunday, February 13, 2011


Taking youth on an out-trip on the skytrain is a piece of cake compared to the MRT in Taipei. The capital of Taiwan is insanely busy and overcrowded at times. Travel safety 101...we felt like we were pregnant and carrying babies with our significant others (buddy partners) by our sides.

Our first stop was the Yangmingshan National Park known for its famous hot springs. The girls and boys are separated into two areas. Cultural differences kept us from going in...wearing swim suits is not allowed. At least I got a chance to dip my foot in! Our second stop was the Flora Expo. So many diverse plants, flowers, and gardens to see, I got lost in a maze with Emily, Steph, Amy, and Sophia. The Future Pavillion featured solar powered book shelves for plants and climate change inspired art. One of my favourite pieces was created by a university student. It features a carved wooden polar bear with a glass table top representing the arctic ocean.

The Shilin Night Market is a hot spot for food. I have to agree with Jame's travel guide has the best night market me we have seen our share! The variety of shish kabobs, dumplings, noodles,and rice dishes were endless!

Our third day in Taipei, we witnssed a Taiwanese wedding. On a count of 3 we shouted "congratulations". I snuck in and got some pics! We also explored the National Palace Museum and the National Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall. This hall consisted of a bronze statue of the former president of the Republic of China. The statue is watched over by 2 motionless guards who are replaced every hour in a rifle swirling ceremony. It is also a spot where locals practice martial arts and drumming.

Warning: Venting post

I'm starting to feel the repurcussions of overpacking... I'm afraid I won't have enough room on the way home because of the things I bought! I wonder if there's a way to get rid of clothes I don't want to bring back home.... Well, I didn't exactly overpack, but I'm not wearing everything I brought. Also, I can feel the stress from the two weeks I'll be gone...I have two days to finish a pile of homework, get to a dentist appointment, study for a midterm, get notarized for a youth leadership convention, and fix jet lag. I don't regret coming to Taiwan at all, but I do wish everything didn't fall right after I got back :( Unfortunately, that's life though...

Starting to feel slightly queasy about going camping. I've had really bad experiences with it...especially while roughing it. I always puke, get hurt, get sick, and always fall asleep at 3 or 4 AM. Not my cup of tea :(
AND YES, I am complaining...I really really really don't like camping : ( -coughtanyacoughcough-

I MISS HOME. It felt like we were going back to Vancouver today because of all the suitcases and packing. Five more days left...I should probably start my homework. ESPECIALLY GRAD TRANSITIONS. That's due in 4 days and I haven't started at all. I think the gloomy weather is starting to affect the way I feel. Feeling less happy and more tired...I hope it gets sunny soon! Darnit I just checked and it's raining the two days we'll be at school. Nooooooo! I'm hoping that school will be eventful...but from what I've heard we will be bored... Apparently a good opportunity to do homework and such.

After saying that, I just want everyone to know if I'm being a big pain in the butt or overly whiney or what not, I'm probably not feeling too great because of school stress and worry for other things. Sorry! : ( Hope I don't dampen anyone's spirits for the next couple days.

Feels good to be back at my homestay! Is anyone else getting sick of 7-11?


Alright more to my post!^_^
I think the most interesting part of my day was watching some of the Taiwanese students get interviewed for some cooking show? I thought that was pretty cool! Did not enjoy the bus rides because of motion sickness...nor the train ride.

I can't remember what I was going to write. I'll be back if I do.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

So it's almost 2 AM tonight.... We are playing mafia and bonding with the Taiwanese students! It's a lot of fun :)
Colin is next to me and he can barely keep his eyes fact he's sleeping on Jerry

Today I learned that my homestay used to live in Taipei and moved to Kaohsiung 4 years ago. Pretty interesting : )

I'm really tired right now... Flora Expo was fun but cold. It's late and Tanya is in the room right now telling us to go to bed. Goodnight!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Hi, theres a party in Hailey's room right now. Her laptop is very hot, it burns my legs.
Today we took the high speed railway to Taipei and good thing I didn't barf :D
But I barfed anyway when we took the tour bus up this enormous mountain that was covered in fog and rain and trees and everything that would make you feel scared.
I've been to so many night markets the past few days, more than I would go to in a year.
Today is the first time I have ever lived in a hotel/hostel. Very cool.
Coming to Taiwan, I have learned more about dogs.
Dogs (Well Beagles because thats the only one I have really been with), they are very squishy.
I walked a dog for the first time too, I have had a lot of firsts here in Taiwan.

Ok, I don't know what to write now because it is getting late and my butt is numb.

Feb...I've lost track of the date becuase I get confused

Today I practiced my mandarin a lot! Went shopping and I was like YAY! I get to practice the language I've been learning for a long time.

We're in Taipei right now and I am super ... I don't know. I slept on the bus so I'm not tired but it's late and I want to shower because I'm exhausted...but there's a party going on inside my room. They're being too loud...ahem.

I haven't appreciated Vancouver like this before; clean and NORMAL toilets, fresh air, safe roads, laws that people actually follow, and green space to chill...
I guess the culture shock really made me see the world in a different place and how I take things for granted.
Although the one thing I will definitely miss is the night markets, the cheapness and convenience of 7-11 everywhere and just cheap things in general. Vancouver is expensive...

Taipei DAY 1

Its 7:30 and you're getting up to get ready to go... You realize that you have forgotten your shoes up 4 flights of stairs. You quickly run up and grab them. On your way back down, you start thinking to yourself: "Why did I bring those brown things anyways?"

Its 9:10 and you are standing in the High Speed Rail Station to go to Taipei. You have your backpack on your back and your carry on in your right hand. You start following the crowd to the platform. Your ticket is inserted into the gate and you are let through. You continue on your way down to the train. You slowly but surely make your way along with the rest of the group onto car number 8. You put your carry on above you in the carry on compartment and sit down with your backpack in front of your feet. Sitting next to you is Colin, in front of you is Sophia and next to Sophia is Emily.

Its 11:55 you are eating your lunch in front of 7/11 and wondering where the rest of the group is. When they show up, you notice that there is a large contrast between the foods people were eating. Some went to Starbucks and bought Cappuccinos, and Macchiattos. While others went to Burger King and bought a burger.

Its 3:20 and we are at the top of the mountain. Tanya is almost hurling at the side while some others have been successful with the process. You are in the area and you are changing to get into the tubs. You are not satisfied when you are told you can not have your bathing suit on in the tub. You quickly change back into your street clothes and you leave the tubs with your pride and dignity still with you.

Its 6:30 and you are getting of the bus ready to shop your head off. You are with the group that wants to get food. You walk through all the stands but don't find anything you want. You make a turn and keep on looking. Suddenly, a chicken cart appears out of the corner of your eye. You with the rest of the group crowd around the cart. You order deep fried chicken and radish cake. It was very delicious. You go shopping. You buy a t-shirt with a lion on it, as well as a long sleeve shirt with a elephant on it. You go into a Korean store and purchase a yellow watch.

Its 12:45 and you are sitting at a desk. You are typing your blogpost. You are looking forward to everything that is happening tomorrow. A new day brings new experiences. You have no idea if you'll eat another meal at 7/11 once again ( It has become a daily ritual). You will see everyone tomorrow..

PS. Your friend Nicholas is peering over your shoulder telling you that he feels like he is fobbing. He is very concerned for your awkward staring habit while you type. (Turning away from the keyboard when you type)



Thursday, February 10, 2011

COLIN'S POST cause it;s not working for him.. xD we visited our school, Kaohsiung Senior High (something like that). The schoool is veryyyyy biggg!!!! We went to school to meet our Taiwanese principal, it was funny because when he was talking to us, his cell phone rang!!!! :)

After meeting the principal, we joined the Taiwanese students with their dance to show during camp. Some of them were Korean songs! :D muahaha! Lots of fun with that!

Toilet bowl restaurant...hmm...wasn't as surprising as I thought it would be, but it was still very cool! :D sitting on toilets, eating from toilets.. yummmm...!

Dream Mall was very big! We walked around EVERYWHERE! It was soo tiring, but it was very worth it! We also had dinner in the food court! yumm!! After all that adventure, we had to go home.......heading to Taipei tomorrow! what fun! but I heard that it's going to be cold... :S

It was fun blogging for the first time! :)


Poster at the Toilet Restaurant explaining good poop!

-3 things to look for when you poo-
1. Should be about 150 grams or about the size of 3 king bananas (the little ones)
2. Bronze in color, fat and meaty
3. Poop should not float, floating means that oil levels are high in your poop

-Super Fat Poo
-Black Stone Poo
-Pencil Shaped Poo
-Watery Yellow Poo
-Poo that is soft in the back and hard in the front

I hope that this will be valuable information for you.
I feel so much better now, its like day 5 and now I can finally fully enjoy Taiwan :D
Today we went to a Toilet Restaurant featuring different foods on toilet bowls and sinks.
Oh yeah, and we went to school today and I noticed how this city is very good at keeping everything nice and tidy. Like on the MRT, there were workers wiping down the machines and sweeping the floors.
I also went to a shopping mall that was 17 stories high. Shocking but true.

Kaohsiung Cont'd

Another hot sunny day in Kaohsiung with lunch at "Modern Toilet Restaurant". Nothing like getting your coconut chicken curry in a ceramic toilet bowl! Emily...I will let you explain the 3 steps of #2! We have checked out so many sights this week b/c of the school break for Chinese New Year's. The city is currently getting ready for the Lantern Festival next week along Love River. It combines a lantern exhibition with a variety of art performances, and of course a fireworks show. Last night we walked along the river to check out the different motifs and the "Flying Dragon Fish" statue. I couldn't resist myself when I saw the human running statue...Lol After we took this battery died!

Our homestay family (Echo, Samuel, & Eric) took us out to this amazing restaurant called Taoban. We ate a 7 course many different foods sent a tidal wave through my taste buds! Who knew lamb could taste so good with a sweet red wine vinegar drink. Even my pear, mushroom, and pork soup kept me on my toes! I have also been experimenting with so many different teas since we have arrived. Red, green, oolong, black, milk, grapefruit, herbal...cold or hot I am falling in love with them all.

Our dinner night was filled with so much laughter! Sylvia just couldn't contain herself...we were so full with food that Jame's button on his shirt was popping out! Perhaps it was the 2 expresso's? We wrapped up our night with a game of scrabble. What better way to teach English...okay maybe I had an advantage having an English teacher as my partner! Got to start packing my bags...spending the weekend in Taipei.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Triple Cs a chance to sleep in today. We have been going non-stop since we have arrived in Taiwan. So it felt great to sleep in till 9:30am. My day got even better when I found cereal and milk on the table in our kitchen for breakfast. Not just any type of cereal but granola complimented with guava and pomelo. Eric's family has been taking great care of our stomachs!

I think today has been the best day of our trip so far. We had a chance to experience Kaohsiung by bike. Sylvia and I were cycling in style with "Giant" (Taiwanese brand) bikes...Eric's family shares a common value of healthy living with physical exercise. Cycling in Taiwan defiinitely makes you more aware of your surroundings, what else do you expect when you share a partial lane with mopeds! Things got better as we cycled along the "Love Pier"...similar bike environment to the seawall in Van. A pit stop in a martial arts center had Sylvia, Eric, and I practicing our karate moves! Located outside of the center was a wishing tree. Anyone in the neighbourhood can write a wish on a wooden tablet and place it on the tree.

After meeting up with the rest of the group at a bike rental shop at the sizihwan train stop, we ventured to Cijin beach by boat. Each of us had to pay 15twd to get onto the the boat that took us to the island of Cijin. We cycled along the seawall and took a break to enjoy the cool water on our feet. Andy, Emily, and Steph were soaked! With 28 degree weather, it was good summer

(Kind of) fail jump shot at the beach & Kirstie cooling off!

times cycling through a large (random shooting) water fountain to cool off. Eric, Sylvia, I finished up our action packed day with a delicious beef noodle dish at Kong Hong Restaurant. Looking forward to a school day tomorrow, we will get up early and head to shadow Eric's regular school routine. Pop up video..."did you know that students in Taiwan attend school from 7:30am-5pm?"


I've been trying to get this thing working for 3 days, only to realize that I was signing in the wrong email. -.- Time to get started!!!

Wow! The first three days were really tiring!! Everytime I fell onto my bed, I died instantly. On the first day when went to a lunch buffet thing that was vegetarian! O.O I've never really experienced eating anything vegetarian, but it was pretty delicious. The first night, we spent a couple of hours in a nightmarket. It was so filled and so many people were there that people can barely walk pass each other. For the next two days, we went to Tainan and Meinong for 1 day tours each day. I finally realized that it was really a "cultural experience." The thing I was most excited about was the shopping that we did yesterday night. Although I was excited, it felt like I was disppointed in the prices on the clothing. I thought that it would be pretty cheap. Only to find that it was about the same price as Canada. Every thing we've done so far was pretty amazing. I've really enjoyed the weather because it's like Vancouver summer, although a lot of the people here think it's like winter or early spring. Can't wait to see what's coming next! :)


Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Meinong was one of the places that I did a little research on before we came to Taiwan. I think what drew me to this city was it's history...the Hakka culture, beautiful handmade paper umbrellas, and lei tea. We got a little taste of everything with groups divided into 4 tables with 20 other students from Kaohsiung Municipal Sinsing Senior High School. What better way to learn than hands-on...pounding and making tea from scratch. My arms got a solid workout in...who needs the gym when your in Taiwan making traditional Hakka tea!

In photo: Amy, Steph, Emily

I was even more impressed with the beautiful handmade painted umbrellas that Sylvia, Colin, Nicholas, Kirstie, Emily, Jerry, Peter, and Andy created. Perhaps a profitable fundraising idea for future BASE fundraising? We get plenty of rain lol!

In photo: Colin, Sylvia, Kirstie

The Hakka architecture was picture perfect. The center of the house shows a special temple of ancestral worship that recreates the chinese characters of sun, to say, and prosperity. The rooms in this house are quite unique in design b/c all the hallways are located outside.

In photo: Hakka Traditional House
The last photo of the night goes out to Sylvia...James, please be ready to work tom for 5 am in the rice fields!

Monday, February 7, 2011's 7 15 AM right now. I FINALLY SLEPT WELL! I woke up at 6 45 which is not bad at all!
So far everything is good and I'm feeling A LOT better than when we first landed. I wish I was well during the buffet because the food and FRUIT was AMAZING!

Nightmarket shopping was also great; lots of cheap and pretty things. I love how every block you turn on, there is a 7-11. It makes life so much more convenient. I tried a rice ball yesterday and it was absolutely delicious. I wish the 7-11's at home had them because they are definitely healthier than the junk crap we usually buy. Nightmarket food is so unhealthy but it's so good. I need to start eating more fruit to balance out the delicious badness.

I'm really sad that I left my notebook at home because I've missed a few days of writing so far. It doesn't feel right to do it on lined paper! So I will spend a lot of time today writing into the new journal I bought. IT'S CUTE!

My body is really sore from the past two days of walking around. I hope I get used to it soon because I don't want anything stopping me from experiencing Taiwan to its fullest. I learned that the slower you go in nightmarkets..the more tired you are. I don't know what it is, but walking SLOWLY makes me so tired all the time! I think I walk too fast when I'm in Vancouver...I like to steamroller people who walk extremely slow. Except I can't do it here because there are too many people. I love how as soon as I get back home and shower, I fall asleep fast. Doesn't happen at home. But it sucks because when I want to stay up, my eyelids close on me and I end up falling asleep on top of my homework (umm...laptop) because I am such a good student that is doing homework while I'm in Taiwan :) (not really)

Time to get up and get ready! Tour of Meinong today

I will attempt to type absolutely everything I wrote in my Journal yesterday. (Paraphrased) stuff about yesterday and today...

Current Time : 7:16 am February 6th 2011 Location: Kaohsiung, Taiwan

I don't feel ANY jetlag at all. Last Night at the airport I had one of the best moments ever! Of all the poeple taht came to the airport, my homestay was the only one that made a sign... WELCOME STEPHANIE FENG. I was VERY excited.

During the car ride back to my homestay's house, I got the know many things about my homestay and Taiwanese culture. My buddy Chiang is 16 and has 2 siblings. Daniel, who is 19 goes to University away from Kaohsiung. Jenny who is 13, goes to junior high school. Something surprising about coming to Taiwan is that JUSTIN BEIBER is well known and loved... OH! and They are all VERRRRYYYY Funny and entertaining people.

Stuff about the Plane Journey:

In the Beginning

Kirstie Me Tanya
Sylvia Emly Hailey
Nicholas Amy Colin

By the End.

Kirstie Hailey Emily
Nicholas Sylvia Me
Amy Tanya Colin

Only 3 of us ended staying in the same place, and I'm not even goignt o mention the puke and nosebleeds

When we were in Hong Kong airport, we all suddenly had a craving for McDonalds! Colin and Nicholas got Grilled Chicken burgers with a strawberry milkshake. Kirstie , Syl and I got a Ebi burger meal, a coke-zero Mcfloat and a Orange fanta Mcfloat. I should have asked for no ice because in the end, all the icecream was in and under the ice cubes. The fries were also awkwardly soggy.

Current time: 9:11am Monday February 7th Location: Bus enroute to Tainan

Recap of Yesterday!

At 10:00 I left the house to take the MRT for the first time. We got on at R17 and headed to R14 to have our All Vegetarian Buffet. The food was very interesting. Things that you would expect to be meat just turned out to be a vegetarian substitute.. For example, instead of Salmon Sashimi, it was flavoured turnip(not really sure what it was, I just know that it wasn't fish) There was an unlimited amount of ice cream you could have! My favourite part of the buffet was the fruit.. it was all very delicious.

We then headed around all different floors and explored the department store centre. BUBBLE TEA for $1.50 CAD! and it was the GOOD STUFF. After the mall, we went to a very big night market. We went to different food stands just to try them out. There were things like fish balls, popcorn chicken, juices, ice cream, dumplings, octopus, and even bugs to eat. There were also many carnival games, We through rings at things and won them.

Current time: 11:52 pm February 7th 2011 Location: Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Today was an entertaining day. Many of the things I did today, I have never thought I would ever do. Today I woke up at 6:30 to be driven to the MRT at 7:10am. We got on the MRT at R19 and got off at R9 (School) I had a Sausage and Egg McMuffin for breakfast. The orange juice tastes MUCH more natural over here compared to back in Vancouver. NOSEBLEED. We then headed on the bus where Tanya told me to write: Hanskin - Blemish Balm (BB) cream, costed $100 US a tube but Korea got ingrediants from Germany and started mass producing it. The price is reduced to $20 USD per tube now. It is said to be a "one shote cosmetic" that offers many benefits, such as UV protection, a light foundation, acne fighting, hydrating, as well as giving the skin a natural and glowing tone. Sales in Duty Free stores count for 40% of total Korean sales.

More to come tomorrow.. BUT ITS TIME TO SLEEP!!!

Au revoir!


Great first few days!

Well we have been hear a few days now and I know two things for sure: our hosts are super welcoming and we will not get too much sleep. Ever since we have arrived our schedule has been packed non stop with events-especially the amazing night markets with their amazing food. Today we visited Tainan, the old capital of Taiwan, and tomorrow we are off to see the Hakka village in Mainong district. I am looking forward to getting back to high school with the kids later this week and exploring the differences between our education system and ours. Our hosts have been very welcoming and I think we have all become very comfortable and friendly with them. Taiwanese hospitality lives up to its reputation!

Good Time Oldies

Nothing like combining the old capital if Taiwan...Tainan with some karaoke! Or excursion today included a tour bus with a playlist that ranged from the Beatles, Steve Miller Band, Roy Orbison, with a twist of Taiwanese pop music! Who knew our bus had so much talent? Or was it just the ability to be able to laugh at ourselves? Either way...we kept our driver busy with requests.

Our first of many stops included viewing a private collection of european art at a private museum, birdwatching of black-faced spoonbills in a conservation area, hiking a salt mountain, and finishing it off with a tour of the old city of Tainan. There was so much beautiful art to see. I really liked the Chinese Zodiac stones which were just a little too heavy to bring back on the plane with me but none the less I did manage to get a picture of myself sitting with the lucky rabbit. After all it is my lucky year and all! I have also been experimenting with food and trying new things, Tainan is known for its I tried variations of octopus, shrimp, and white fish. I am a definite foodie and love to take pictures of all the yummy food I get to eat.

Looking fwd to starfruit in the morning...and biking in Meinung.
I feel the Asian-y-ness now, after 16 years of Canada, I see now what I used to see on TV.
Taiwan is very bright and colorful, I am happy to be here :D
Everyone is really welcoming. I have not felt a sad moment since I got off the plane (-.-")

Ok, that's all I have to say now because I am really tired. bye

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Kaohsiung Reflections of Day 1

Waking up on the other side of the world...after an amazing sleep with Celine Dion in the background. Who knew Eric's mom (Echo...Ec ho ho ho) was such a big fan or maybe it was her way of welcoming 2 Canadians into her home. I feel like we both have a second mom away from home. Echo has left fresh cold and hot water jugs by our bed and new toothbrushes by the sink...our Taiwnese homestay has definitely welcomed us as part of their "new" extended family.

Sylvia and I are roomies for 2 weeks...a sweet arangement has already been struck on who prefers an evening vs. morning "shower" kind of person. I'm going to keep you guessing on that one! Our day today started with a short walking venture to catch the MRT...about a 10 min walk to catch the train to meet the rest of the group for lunch. Our first purchase was our train I thought? After inserting 25twd you recieve a blue coin (about the size of a quarter) out of the machine. This coin is used as a scanner device to get you through the eletronic gate. We had to take two train lines to get to our lunch destination...after we finished our second train ride the coin was them dropped into a slot and accepted as payment for our bodies to proceed throught the final electronic gate. It was an environmental highlight for me b/c there was no paper trail and the coins get reused by other future passenger trips.

This day was filled with so many other highlights...but as I type these words I feel my eyes wanting to shut and catch some well deserved zzzz's from all the walking we did today! So I will mention them quickly so I don't forget so I can share them for future storytelling sessions!

-Meeting "Toad" and others
-Vegetarian all you can eat buffet (strawberry sushi, bamboo, fresh fruit, cones)
-Bubbletea ($1.50 ea and way better than Van!)
-Experimenting with nightmarket food & games
-VAT Refund
-Crazy Taiwanese taxi driver's u turn
-Escalator divison line on stairs (no excuses!)
-All purpose lane (pedestrains/bikes/mo-peds/dogs)...waiting for bus
-Sylvia's bargaining skills
-Emily and Hailey keeping food down today :)
-Speaking in English with locals and learning short Mandarin terms
-Firecrackers (morning/evening so far...not here during day to verify that one yet!)
-Lotus Pond...views, temples, markets, & group pics
-Picture of Sylvia passed out beside me with her journal pen in one hand (got her finally...nope my arm hit the side table as I went to get the camera....she woke up...drool shot opportunity gone!) GOOD NIGHT!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


packing initiated 9: 30.
There is just so much stuff to bring..... it's painful to look at the sheer about of clutter that will have to be re-assembled when we come back. Packing provides a lovely workout as well.. body slamming luggage is the way to go, you work your muscles and get things done. All in all, that behemoth of a suitcase weighed less than the required 50 pounds ( hopefully it stays that way)
There's about 13 hours till our flight and I will not sleep......... until i get on that plane.

packing finished 11:00

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

SO...Two sleeps away and I think I'm the only one that hasn't started packing? I lost my pencil case -.- and I have a long list of things to complete before I leave...


Be Prepared...

Like Steph said, pack a variety! Hmm, is anyone even reading this? Oh wells, thought I'd just say hi.. :P

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What to Pack

Bonjour Mes Amis

Many have been wondering what clothes they should be bringing to Taiwan. The temperature will be approximately 18°C to 23°C. In Kaohsiung right now, it is 24°C and says that it feels like it's 24°C. I would recommend bringing whatever would keep you warm in 24°C weather. (If a Tank and Shorts is enough, bring that!) At night, on a sunny day, it is about 14°C so bring pajamas.
Other things you may consider bringing would include an umbrella, a variety of Footwear(Runners, flip flips, boots?), and yes, I would recommend bringing a few pairs of underwear, unless you feel like you are going to buy it all when you're over there.
Bring something to keep you entertained for all those hours on the plane unless you are planning to watch movies on the plane, then you're all set!
You homework would also be a good idea as long as you want to keep caught up with school, but yet again, not mandatory.
Last but not least, DO NOT FORGET YOUR JOURNALS!!!
As Tanya would say, at least one entry a day in the journal but if you want to write more, its up to you.

WOOTWOOT!!!! So excited!
