Sunday, February 13, 2011

Warning: Venting post

I'm starting to feel the repurcussions of overpacking... I'm afraid I won't have enough room on the way home because of the things I bought! I wonder if there's a way to get rid of clothes I don't want to bring back home.... Well, I didn't exactly overpack, but I'm not wearing everything I brought. Also, I can feel the stress from the two weeks I'll be gone...I have two days to finish a pile of homework, get to a dentist appointment, study for a midterm, get notarized for a youth leadership convention, and fix jet lag. I don't regret coming to Taiwan at all, but I do wish everything didn't fall right after I got back :( Unfortunately, that's life though...

Starting to feel slightly queasy about going camping. I've had really bad experiences with it...especially while roughing it. I always puke, get hurt, get sick, and always fall asleep at 3 or 4 AM. Not my cup of tea :(
AND YES, I am complaining...I really really really don't like camping : ( -coughtanyacoughcough-

I MISS HOME. It felt like we were going back to Vancouver today because of all the suitcases and packing. Five more days left...I should probably start my homework. ESPECIALLY GRAD TRANSITIONS. That's due in 4 days and I haven't started at all. I think the gloomy weather is starting to affect the way I feel. Feeling less happy and more tired...I hope it gets sunny soon! Darnit I just checked and it's raining the two days we'll be at school. Nooooooo! I'm hoping that school will be eventful...but from what I've heard we will be bored... Apparently a good opportunity to do homework and such.

After saying that, I just want everyone to know if I'm being a big pain in the butt or overly whiney or what not, I'm probably not feeling too great because of school stress and worry for other things. Sorry! : ( Hope I don't dampen anyone's spirits for the next couple days.

Feels good to be back at my homestay! Is anyone else getting sick of 7-11?


Alright more to my post!^_^
I think the most interesting part of my day was watching some of the Taiwanese students get interviewed for some cooking show? I thought that was pretty cool! Did not enjoy the bus rides because of motion sickness...nor the train ride.

I can't remember what I was going to write. I'll be back if I do.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there...bring homework to school the next 2 days. You will also have 2 free evenings this week to focus on it :)
