Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Triple Cs a chance to sleep in today. We have been going non-stop since we have arrived in Taiwan. So it felt great to sleep in till 9:30am. My day got even better when I found cereal and milk on the table in our kitchen for breakfast. Not just any type of cereal but granola complimented with guava and pomelo. Eric's family has been taking great care of our stomachs!

I think today has been the best day of our trip so far. We had a chance to experience Kaohsiung by bike. Sylvia and I were cycling in style with "Giant" (Taiwanese brand) bikes...Eric's family shares a common value of healthy living with physical exercise. Cycling in Taiwan defiinitely makes you more aware of your surroundings, what else do you expect when you share a partial lane with mopeds! Things got better as we cycled along the "Love Pier"...similar bike environment to the seawall in Van. A pit stop in a martial arts center had Sylvia, Eric, and I practicing our karate moves! Located outside of the center was a wishing tree. Anyone in the neighbourhood can write a wish on a wooden tablet and place it on the tree.

After meeting up with the rest of the group at a bike rental shop at the sizihwan train stop, we ventured to Cijin beach by boat. Each of us had to pay 15twd to get onto the the boat that took us to the island of Cijin. We cycled along the seawall and took a break to enjoy the cool water on our feet. Andy, Emily, and Steph were soaked! With 28 degree weather, it was good summer

(Kind of) fail jump shot at the beach & Kirstie cooling off!

times cycling through a large (random shooting) water fountain to cool off. Eric, Sylvia, I finished up our action packed day with a delicious beef noodle dish at Kong Hong Restaurant. Looking forward to a school day tomorrow, we will get up early and head to shadow Eric's regular school routine. Pop up video..."did you know that students in Taiwan attend school from 7:30am-5pm?"

1 comment:

  1. Ahh...I give up second post where the format changes after I post!
