Friday, February 11, 2011

Taipei DAY 1

Its 7:30 and you're getting up to get ready to go... You realize that you have forgotten your shoes up 4 flights of stairs. You quickly run up and grab them. On your way back down, you start thinking to yourself: "Why did I bring those brown things anyways?"

Its 9:10 and you are standing in the High Speed Rail Station to go to Taipei. You have your backpack on your back and your carry on in your right hand. You start following the crowd to the platform. Your ticket is inserted into the gate and you are let through. You continue on your way down to the train. You slowly but surely make your way along with the rest of the group onto car number 8. You put your carry on above you in the carry on compartment and sit down with your backpack in front of your feet. Sitting next to you is Colin, in front of you is Sophia and next to Sophia is Emily.

Its 11:55 you are eating your lunch in front of 7/11 and wondering where the rest of the group is. When they show up, you notice that there is a large contrast between the foods people were eating. Some went to Starbucks and bought Cappuccinos, and Macchiattos. While others went to Burger King and bought a burger.

Its 3:20 and we are at the top of the mountain. Tanya is almost hurling at the side while some others have been successful with the process. You are in the area and you are changing to get into the tubs. You are not satisfied when you are told you can not have your bathing suit on in the tub. You quickly change back into your street clothes and you leave the tubs with your pride and dignity still with you.

Its 6:30 and you are getting of the bus ready to shop your head off. You are with the group that wants to get food. You walk through all the stands but don't find anything you want. You make a turn and keep on looking. Suddenly, a chicken cart appears out of the corner of your eye. You with the rest of the group crowd around the cart. You order deep fried chicken and radish cake. It was very delicious. You go shopping. You buy a t-shirt with a lion on it, as well as a long sleeve shirt with a elephant on it. You go into a Korean store and purchase a yellow watch.

Its 12:45 and you are sitting at a desk. You are typing your blogpost. You are looking forward to everything that is happening tomorrow. A new day brings new experiences. You have no idea if you'll eat another meal at 7/11 once again ( It has become a daily ritual). You will see everyone tomorrow..

PS. Your friend Nicholas is peering over your shoulder telling you that he feels like he is fobbing. He is very concerned for your awkward staring habit while you type. (Turning away from the keyboard when you type)



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