Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Sadly for the entire trip, my internet access was almost non existant.

Moving on, TAIWAN is so awesome.

Although their men seem to have problems with their control with their eyes. Of course I am referring to the many incedents that have happened to me on our many night market adventures. I guess in a way it is how Canada is so different from Taiwan, especially when it comes to what is considered normal temperature wise. At 25 degrees, in Taiwan we see fur jackets and people shivering, whereas I was sweating and wearing light clothing.

Culurally speaking, their customs here are quite similar to the Chinese way of life, that I live. The one thing that I didn't like or nessicarily understand was the abundance of deep fried foods here. For example, at McDonalds their Apple Pie is DEEP FRIED. I can see that deep frying is a quick and easy way to prepare food, but health wise, we can see the downsides. Living in Taiwan for a week has caused me to break out due to the sudden rush of fatty foods. It's a shame because their fruit is excellent and I only ever see it in bubble tea.

A downside to being in Taiwan is that physically, I am not suited to live here; my body temp is constiantly higher than that of anyone in any country. I can say that I'm unfortunately a furnace that never shuts off. As well, not being built like a average Asian makes life horribly difficult when it comes to shopping anywhere in this country. I am sad to say that our small/ medium in Canada is Taiwans Large/ Extra Large. It takes a tole of one's spirit when one sees clothes one believes would fit a child, made for fully grown adults.

I have grown to embrace their school life. two words : NAP TIME. Today was my first time experiencing such glory. In Canada, the class after lunch is filled with students nodding off or simply skipping to rest. Nap time is the smartest idea I have ever seen in my life. As well, the camping aspect of their school lives is much more inclusive as compared to our schools due to the fact that only special programs get to participate in such activities. Witnessing every class working hard to make up and teach dances to their peers was inspiring. I'm sure anyone could have seen the energy that was excreeted from our bodies when we joined in.

All in all, I'm just extremely grateful for this oppertunity to be given to us and that through meeting so many individuals in Taiwan, it has opened my eyes to the amount possibilities there are. Just from seeing students' english ability grow in such a short period of time from talking to us gives a sense of accomplishment and just glee for me.

Campings tomorrow. I can't wait! Eventhough I heard we wil be crawling in holes .......

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