Monday, February 7, 2011's 7 15 AM right now. I FINALLY SLEPT WELL! I woke up at 6 45 which is not bad at all!
So far everything is good and I'm feeling A LOT better than when we first landed. I wish I was well during the buffet because the food and FRUIT was AMAZING!

Nightmarket shopping was also great; lots of cheap and pretty things. I love how every block you turn on, there is a 7-11. It makes life so much more convenient. I tried a rice ball yesterday and it was absolutely delicious. I wish the 7-11's at home had them because they are definitely healthier than the junk crap we usually buy. Nightmarket food is so unhealthy but it's so good. I need to start eating more fruit to balance out the delicious badness.

I'm really sad that I left my notebook at home because I've missed a few days of writing so far. It doesn't feel right to do it on lined paper! So I will spend a lot of time today writing into the new journal I bought. IT'S CUTE!

My body is really sore from the past two days of walking around. I hope I get used to it soon because I don't want anything stopping me from experiencing Taiwan to its fullest. I learned that the slower you go in nightmarkets..the more tired you are. I don't know what it is, but walking SLOWLY makes me so tired all the time! I think I walk too fast when I'm in Vancouver...I like to steamroller people who walk extremely slow. Except I can't do it here because there are too many people. I love how as soon as I get back home and shower, I fall asleep fast. Doesn't happen at home. But it sucks because when I want to stay up, my eyelids close on me and I end up falling asleep on top of my homework (umm...laptop) because I am such a good student that is doing homework while I'm in Taiwan :) (not really)

Time to get up and get ready! Tour of Meinong today

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